Inspirational Books
by Ken Lenz
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Interview with Ken

Ken Lenz continues to work full-time as a hospital chaplain and maintains a busy schedule.  As a non-fiction author, and particularly of biblical books, he feels that the focus should be on the content of his books and not on himself—such as in blog postings or social media.

For readers, however, who would like to know more about the author, there is an “About the Author” page accessed here from the menu, and further, this page is offered with answers to interview questions.

For a 2022 interview with the author on Goodreads, go to:

For a 2021 interview on Smashwords, go to:

The following is perhaps a more personal interview (from 2023), with questions related to the author’s educational background and his motivation in writing the specific inspirational books presented on this website.  We trust these interviews and insights will provide more detailed information to satisfy the reader.  Thank you for your interest.



Interview of Ken Lenz with Agape Book Ministries:

The Agape Book Ministries is a non-profit corporation whose specific mission is to provide Christian books to libraries, churches, colleges, seminaries, and others.  In doing so, they evaluate books written by notable Christian authors.  The following is an interview that Agape conducted with the author, Ken Lenz.


Agape Book Ministries: Hello Dr. Lenz.  It seems strange to call you by that title since we at Agape Book Ministries are on a first-name basis and relationship with you, and simply know you as “Ken.”  Which do you prefer?

Ken Lenz:  There are times in professional settings, such as with my college students or book publishers, that I appreciate the title, Dr. Lenz, since it is more professional and reflects the credibility of a professor and an author.  But with you and in this setting, please call me Ken.


A. B. M.:  Yes, thank you Ken. And just so our readers understand––you’re not a medical doctor, but you have a Ph.D.  Isn’t that correct?  Tell us how that degree came about.

Ken:  Sure.  That degree was on top of five degrees in a few disciplines within the undergraduate and graduate programs of a Bible institute, a Christian college, and a state university.  (And again, I only mention these things, not as a way to highlight myself, but only since they relate to my credibility as an author to potential readers.)  My doctoral studies were completed at two state universities and a conservatory of music associated with a Greek Orthodox school of theology.  The Ph.D. actually included a major in music theory, a minor in choral conducting, and an emphasis in Eastern Orthodox history and liturgy.


A. B. M.:  Wow, that’s extensive. Did any of your doctoral work have an influence in your writing?

Ken:  Yes.  Within the doctoral program, I wrote two thesis papers and two dissertations.  The first thesis paper was titled “A Philosophy of Aesthetics in Music Education” (written for Arizona State University’s D.M.A. degree program in choral music education and conducting).  The second thesis was entitled “The Orthodox Church: history and liturgy” (written for the Orthodox school of theology).  That second thesis then developed into an e-book of that title, and includes an Evangelical perspective.


A. B. M.:  Now dissertations are generally more extensive papers. Did either of your dissertations influence your writing of a book?

Ken:  Yes, one certainly did.  My second dissertation was a 534-page manuscript on the topic of “Water Baptism and Spirit Baptism” and defended based on its subtitle: “As Taught in the Scriptures.”  That became a book published by Xlibris, along with an “expanded edition” available as an e-book through many distributors, such as Smashwords, Barnes & Noble, Apple Books, Baker & Taylor, Scribd, Kobo and Tolino.


A. B. M.:  What was your other dissertation, Ken, and is that reflected in your book writing?

Ken:  Actually, the other dissertation included a historical and musical sketch of a lesser-known Italian composer named Luca Marenzio, of the Renaissance Period, plus transcriptions of 12 sacred choral motets he composed in 1585.  Perhaps one day I will make that available as a book and the transcriptions available for choral groups to sing.  In completing the Ph.D. degree, two recitals were performed in featuring those motets along with some original, sacred choral compositions.


A. B. M.: It seems that even in your music you have focused on “the sacred.” Why did you, in more recent years, choose to focus your attention on inspirational books rather than on your music writings and compositions?

Ken:  The answer to that question has two parts to it.  First, I believe the most important aspects of life are in the realm of spiritual realities.  If I can have a part in helping another person to understand the Scriptures and to walk more closely with the Lord, that is my greatest desire: living “with eternity’s values in view.”  But second, the catapult that propelled me to write my first book––and each book since then––was the realization that there are misunderstandings of God’s Word on those particular topics and other books that should be challenged.


A. B. M.:  So then, what was your first book and why was it written?

Ken:  My first book was the book on water baptism and Spirit baptism, and I saw the need to distinguish between those two baptisms.  For example, the Orthodox Church (and several other church branches) view water baptism as bringing about the baptism of the Spirit; however, the examples in Scripture do not support that view.  In my research on the subject of baptism, I studied every biblical passage that related to baptism, and this led me to study the passages where Jesus spoke of His impending crucifixion as a kind of “baptism.”  And again, I found that there were many differing views of what it meant that He was “forsaken” and what in particular was “finished.”

Also, my extensive research on baptism led to my study of the related ordinance of The Lord’s Supper, which resulted in another book and the publishing of a trilogy by Xlibris, including God’s Son “Forsaken,” His Sacrifice “Finished!”, Confession and Communion, and the much longer book, Water Baptism and Spirit Baptism.


A. B. M.:  More recently, Xlibris published your book titled Christ, the “I Am. Is there a story behind the writing of that book?

Ken:  Yes, as with all of my books, I felt that more needed to be expressed and clarified.  One of my sons actually started that ball rolling when he asked me to look into John 15, particularly in the way it might relate to a position called “Lordship Salvation” (or “discipleship salvation”).  I spent over six months examining the context of that passage (15:1–17), including meditating on certain phrases for weeks.  Some books and commentaries presented the viewpoint that if a believer does not bear fruit, he or she would lose their salvation.  Others presented the view that unfruitfulness would simply prove that the person was not a true believer in the first place––but that view was inconsistent with the way they translate the sentence in verse 2: “Every branch in me [Christ] that does not bear fruit he [God the Father] takes away.”

As I studied the Greek text, it was notable that the word translated as “takes away” is also able to be translated as “takes up” (or “lifts up”).  In fact, that was the primary meaning of that Greek word, and the secondary meaning came about since objects are lifted “up” in order to then be taken “away.”  And yet, how different the implications are when we translate the sentence as: “Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit He [the Father] lifts up” (15:2).  Rather than Jesus admonishing His eleven disciples that if they did not bear fruit in His absence they would be removed from the Vine and thrown into the fire (verse 6); it makes better sense in that context to understand Jesus as encouraging His disciples that if they did not at first bear fruit, the Father would lift them up into both the light of the Son and the wind of the Spirit.  And that’s what a gardener does with vine branches that are fallen; he lifts them up into the sun and wind.  Isn’t that so encouraging for the believer?


A. B. M.:  Yes Ken, what an encouraging way to see that passage in light of our discipleship with Christ. That book, however, also includes your commentary on other “I Am” statements of Christ, doesn’t it?

Ken:  That’s right.  In fact, I wanted to include all seven “I Am” statements that Jesus used as metaphors for who He is, how He relates to us, and what He offers us, to encourage both our relationship and fellowship with Him.  Yet again, I also devoted an entire section to John 6 since that is another passage that is misunderstood due to an inconsistency of interpretation and application of Christ as “the bread of life.”


A. B. M.:  Were there any more “spin-offs” to other books you’ve written?

Ken:  Yes, there were.  I felt the need to write more intently on the topic of “Lordship Salvation” from an Evangelical perspective.  That resulted in a manuscript with that name, and which kept growing (including three related appendix chapters that nearly came up to the length of the rest of the manuscript).

I had taught for the Bible Department of a Bible institute that has a very fine book publishing division.  As a result of my teaching association with them, they considered for publication the Lordship Salvation manuscript.  Their associate publisher, wrote to me: “I very much believe that you cover some critical ground here and I especially appreciate your winsome determination to help all parties in this conversation to have common language and starting points.  You are careful, nuanced, and a solid writer.  I believe this contribution and perspective is a helpful one.”

He continued: “However, we are not going to pursue publication on this book because we’ve got multiple works coming in the next two years that cover some of this same ground.”  He and others did encourage me to have the book published, and it is now available as an e-book.  I invite readers to consider the biblical perspective of that book on this most important topic of eternal salvation.  The first 30% of that book is even offered as a free preview by Smashwords.  Simply go to:

For all of my other e-books, you can find them (and the free previews) under my “profile” page at:


A. B. M.:  Thank you, Ken. Your books are certainly inspirational and offer much-needed perspectives on the topics they each explore.  May God bless you and your writing ministry to us all.

And reader, please check out Ken’s books at his website:  His baptism and communion “trilogy” and the book Christ, the “I Am” are all available in hardcover, softcover, and e-book formats through Xlibris Publishing.  And they are most certainly good reads.  Speaking of which, you can find an “Ask the Author: Ken Lenz” interview on the Goodreads website at:

Blessings on all.

Inspirational Books by Ken Lenz